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Text File | 1998-03-21 | 43.8 KB | 1,203 lines |
- ;**
- ;** Install_AEMail - AEMail installation script for Installer
- ;**
- ;** Copyright (c) 1996-1998 John F. Zacharias
- ;** All rights reserved.
- ;**
- ;** This script has been tested with Installer 43.3 which is included with
- ;** this archive:
- ;**
- ;** Installer and Installer project icon
- ;** (c) Copyright 1995-96 Escom AG. All Rights Reserved.
- ;** Reproduced and distributed under license from Escom AG.
- ;**
- ;**
- ;** Use following Icon tooltypes / Command line options:
- ;**
- ;** APPNAME=AEMail
- ;**
- ;**
- ;** Installer script modified on 03/07/98 for AEMail Version 1.50
- (set
- ;;
- ;; The source directory name
- ;;
- source-dir (if (= 1 (exists @icon))
- (pathonly (expandpath @icon))
- (expandpath @icon)))
- (set version_3_0 39)
- (set aem-vernum (getversion (tackon source-dir "AEMail")))
- (set
- aem-vernew (/ aem-vernum 65536)
- aem-revnew (- aem-vernum (* aem-vernew 65536)))
- (set exec-version (/ (getversion) 65536))
- (set avail-mem (+ (database "total-mem")))
- (set system-cpu (database "cpu"))
- (set full-aem-name "AEMail Beta Version 1.50")
- (set
- aem-name "AEMail"
- aem-assign (cat aem-name ":")
- aem-Termite 0
- )
- (if (= 1 (exists "ENV:TermiteTCP.prefs" (noreq)))
- (set aem-Termite 1)
- (set aem-Termite 0))
- (if (= 2 (exists "AMITCP:bin" (noreq)))
- (set aem-have-AMITCP 1)
- (set aem-have-AMITCP 0))
- (if (= 2 (exists "Miami:" (noreq)))
- (set aem-have-MIAMI 1)
- (set aem-have-MIAMI 0))
- (if (= 1 (exists "ENV:AEMail_Dir" (noreq)))
- ((set
- @default-dest (getenv ("AEMail_Dir"))
- len (strlen @default-dest))
- (if (= "\n" (substr @default-dest (- len 1) 1))
- (set @default-dest (substr @default-dest 0 (- len 1)))))
- (set @default-dest
- (if (= 1 aem-have-AMITCP)
- (expandpath "AMITCP:bin")
- (@default-dest))))
- (if (= "AEMail" (fileonly @default-dest))
- (set @default-dest (pathonly @default-dest)))
- (if (= 2 @user-level)
- (set
- ;;
- ;; Sets up where to place AEMail program
- ;;
- @default-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt "Enter the drawer in which you want AEMail installed\n"
- "A drawer called AEMail will be created "
- "if it does not already exist (except if AmiTCP:bin is "
- "specified)")
- (help "If you are using AmiTCP, AEMail should be installed in "
- "'AmiTCP:bin'\n\n"
- "However, you may install it anywhere you like\n\n"
- "If it is not 'AmiTCP:bin' a drawer called 'AEMail' "
- "will be created.\n")
- (default @default-dest)
- (newpath))))
- (if (= 1 aem-have-AMITCP)
- (if (<> @default-dest (expandpath "AMITCP:bin"))
- (set aem-have-AMITCP 0)))
- ; (if (= "AEMail" (fileonly @default-dest))
- ; (set @default-dest (pathonly @default-dest)))
- (if (= 0 aem-have-AMITCP)
- (set @default-dest (tackon @default-dest "AEMail")))
- (if (= 0 (exists @default-dest (noreq)))
- ((makedir @default-dest (infos))
- (onerror ((delete @default-dest
- (prompt "Deleting AEMail directory")
- (help "Deleting AEMail directory")
- (optional "force")
- (safe)
- (all)
- (infos))
- (delete "RAM:AEMfiles"
- (prompt "Deleting RAM: AEMail files")
- (optional "force")
- (safe)
- (all)
- (infos))))))
- (if (= 1 (exists @default-dest (noreq)))
- (set @default-dest (pathonly @default-dest)))
- (set aem-default-dest @default-dest)
- (set
- ;;
- ;; The default Mail directory
- ;;
- aem-change-name 0
- atcp-dir (if (= 1 aem-have-AMITCP)
- (expandpath "AMITCP:")
- (@default-dest))
- aem-dft-maildir (if (= 2 (exists aem-assign (noreq)))
- (pathonly(getassign aem-name))
- (atcp-dir))
- aem-mail-name (if (= 2 (exists aem-assign (noreq)))
- (fileonly(getassign aem-name))
- (""))
- )
- (if (<> "" aem-mail-name)
- (if (<> "AEMail_Mail" aem-mail-name)
- ((set
- aem-change-name
- (askbool
- (prompt "Your AEMAIL: assignment is for:\n\n"
- (getassign aem-name) "\n\n"
- "This directory is not named \"AEMail_Mail\"\n\n"
- "Do you want to change the directory's name to "
- "\"AEMail_Mail\" and use it as your AEMAIL: directory?")
- (help "This install script automatically uses an AEMAIL: "
- "assignment name of \"AEMail_Mail\". If you reply NO "
- "to this request your existing AEMAIL: directory "
- "will NOT be used as your mail directory\n")
- (default 1))))))
- (if (= 1 aem-change-name)
- ((rename (tackon aem-dft-maildir aem-mail-name)
- (tackon aem-dft-maildir "AEMail_Mail")
- (prompt "Relabeling AEMAIL: directory")
- (help "Relabeling AEMAIL: directory"))
- (rename (tackon aem-dft-maildir ("%s.info" aem-mail-name))
- (tackon aem-dft-maildir "AEMail_Mail.info")
- (prompt "Relabeling AEMAIL: directory .info")
- (help "Relabeling AEMAIL: directory .info")))
- )
- (set
- aem-mail-dir (aem-dft-maildir))
- (if (= 2 @user-level)
- (set
- aem-mail-dir
- (askdir
- (prompt "Enter the drawer in which you want your mail placed. "
- "A drawer called 'AEMail_Mail' will be created in this "
- "drawer (if it does not already exist) and AEMAIL: will be "
- "assigned to 'AEMail_Mail'")
- (help "All of your mail and configuration files will be stored "
- "in the 'AEMail_Mail' sub-directory of this drawer. An assign "
- "statement will be assigned to the 'AEMail_Mail' sub-directory to 'AEMAIL:' "
- "and will be placed in your 'S:User-Startup' script.\n\n"
- "The directory your specify here will be created if it does "
- "not exist\b")
- (default aem-dft-maildir)
- (newpath))))
- (if (= "AEMail_Mail" (fileonly aem-mail-dir))
- (set aem-mail-dir (pathonly aem-mail-dir)))
- (set aem-mail-dir (tackon aem-mail-dir "AEMail_Mail"))
- ; Use ENV:PAGER program, Multiview, or copy "More" to RAM: for use
- (set
- pager-cmd (if (exists "ENV:PAGER" (noreq)) (getenv "PAGER"))
- pager-cmd
- (if pager-cmd pager-cmd
- (if (= 1 (exists "SYS:Utilities/Multiview" (noreq)))
- ("SYS:Utilities/Multiview")
- ((copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying " (tackon source-dir "c/More") " to RAM: for use")
- (source (tackon source-dir "c/More"))
- (dest "RAM:")
- (safe)
- (optional "nofail"))
- "RAM:More"))))
- (makedir "RAM:AEMfiles")
- (makedir "RAM:AEMfiles/ARexx")
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying AEMail.readme to RAM:")
- (source (tackon source-dir "AEMail.readme"))
- (dest "RAM:AEMfiles")
- (infos))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying LHA to RAM:")
- (source (tackon source-dir "c/LHex"))
- (dest "RAM:"))
- (set
- doc-files (tackon source-dir "files.lha"))
- (set
- doc-files ("\"%s\"" doc-files))
- (message "\n\nSelect PROCEED to decompress the AEMail files to RAM\n\n"
- "Be patient, this will take a while\n\n"
- "If you are installing from diskette, the decompression "
- "will take approx 3 minutes\n\n"
- "From your hard drive, the decompression will take approx 20 seconds")
- (set aem-lha
- (run "RAM:lhex -fwRAM:AEMfiles x " doc-files " >NIL:" (safe)))
- (set aem-lha
- (run "RAM:lhex -fw=RAM:AEMfiles/ARexx x RAM:AEMfiles/arexx.lha >NIL:" (safe)))
- (delete
- "RAM:lhex"
- (prompt "Deleting RAM:lha file")
- (optional "force")
- (safe))
- (if (< exec-version version_3_0)
- (tooltype
- (dest "RAM:AEMfiles/AEMail.guide")
- (setdefaulttool "AmigaGuide"))
- (tooltype
- (dest "RAM:AEMfiles/AEMail.guide")
- (setdefaulttool "MultiView")))
- (set
- aem-configure 0
- aem-interlace 0
- aem-needconfig 0
- aem-options 3
- aem-config ""
- aem-username ""
- aem-password ""
- aem-from ""
- aem-replyto ""
- aem-organization ""
- aem-realname ""
- aem-domain ""
- aem-popserver ""
- aem-smtpserver ""
- aem-editor ""
- aem-startnet ""
- aem-stopnet ""
- aem-need-AREXX 0
- aem-needstrtarexx 0
- aem-needstoparexx 0)
- (if (= 1 aem-have-MIAMI)
- (set
- aem-need-AREXX 1
- aem-needstrtarexx 1
- aem-startnet (tackon aem-default-dest "startnet.miami")
- aem-needstoparexx 1
- aem-stopnet (tackon aem-default-dest "stopnet.miami"))
- (if (= 1 aem-have-AMITCP)
- (set
- aem-need-AREXX 1
- aem-startnet (tackon aem-default-dest "startnet")
- aem-stopnet (tackon aem-default-dest "stopnet"))))
- (if (= 1 aem-Termite)
- ((set
- aem-from (getenv "ttcp-email-address")
- aem-tccp-len (strlen aem-from)
- aem-tccp-cnt 0)
- (while (<> aem-tccp-cnt aem-tccp-len)
- (if (= "@" (substr aem-from aem-tccp-cnt 1))
- (set
- aem-username
- (substr aem-from 0 aem-tccp-cnt)
- aem-tccp-cnt (+ 1 aem-tccp-cnt)
- aem-domain
- (substr aem-from aem-tccp-cnt))
- (set
- aem-tccp-cnt (+ 1 aem-tccp-cnt))))))
- (if (< 0 @user-level)
- (if (<> 1 (exists "s:aemail.cnfg" (noreq)))
- (set
- aem-configure
- (askbool
- (prompt "\nYou can configure AEMail now or you can wait until "
- "AEMail is first loaded. Do you want to configure now?\n")
- (help "AEMail is configured either by Tool Types in it's icon "
- "or by a configuration screen which is automatically "
- "called up when you first execute AEMail if the Tool "
- "Type parameters were not given. By replying "
- "'Yes, Configure Now' you will be setting the Tool Type "
- "parameters\n")
- (choices "No, Configure Later" "Yes, Configure Now"))
- )
- (set
- aem-configure
- (askbool
- (prompt "\nYou have an existing configuration file.\n\n"
- "Do you want to use it or do you want to re-configure "
- "AEMail now?\n")
- (help "By replying 'Yes, Re-configure Now' "
- "you will be renaming the current configuration file "
- "to 's:aemail.cnfg.old' "
- "and resetting the configuration by tool type "
- "parameters\n")
- (choices "Use existing Config File" "Yes, Re-Configure Now")))
- )
- )
- (if (= 0 aem-configure)
- ((rename "s:aemail.cnfg" "s:aemail.cnfg.old"
- (prompt "Renaming old s:aemail.cnfg file"))
- (set aem-interlace
- (askbool
- (prompt "\n\nDo you want to open AEMail on an interlaced screen?")
- (help "Replying 'YES' will place the Tool Type 'INTERLACE=YES' "
- "in your AEMail icon. This will open AEMail on an "
- "interlaced screen when it is executed.\n")))
- (Set continue 0)
- (message "\n\nWe need to know something about your Internet provider and what "
- "the POP and SMTP Servers on your provider's machine are called. "
- "Also, when you signed up for your InterNet service you chose or "
- "were given a login name and password for your POP server. "
- "You will be prompted for these names now. If you have any "
- "questions as to what parameters to use, select 'help' "
- "or consult information provided by your Internet provider.")
- (while
- (= continue 0)
- (set
- aem-domain
- (askstring
- (prompt "\nEnter the domain name for your InterNet Provider "
- "required for getting mail\n\n")
- (help "The domain name is usually the part of your e-mail address "
- "that follows the '@' sign. If something else is required "
- "by your Internet Provider, provide it here.\n\n"
- "As an example, my email "
- "address is\n\njzachar@calweb.com\n\nThe domain name "
- "for my Internet provider is therefor 'calweb.com'.")
- (default aem-domain))
- aem-popserver
- (if (= "" aem-domain)
- ("")
- (if (= "" aem-popserver)
- (cat "pop." aem-domain)
- (aem-popserver)))
- aem-smtpserver
- (if (= "" aem-domain)
- ("")
- (if (= "" aem-smtpserver)
- (cat "smtp." aem-domain)
- (aem-smtpserver)))
- aem-popserver
- (askstring
- (prompt "\nEnter the name of your POP Server\n\n")
- (help "POP stands for 'Post Office Protocol' and your "
- "POP Server is the name assigned to the host "
- "computer that holds your Internet mail. Normally "
- "this would be 'pop.' or 'mail.' prepended to your "
- "Domain name.\n\n"
- "Consult your Internet provider if the POP Server "
- "is called something other than '"aem-popserver
- "' enter that name in this string requester ")
- (default aem-popserver))
- aem-smtpserver
- (askstring
- (prompt "\nEnter the name of your SMTP Server\n")
- (help "SMTP stands for 'Simple Mail Transfer Protocol' and "
- "your SMTP server is the name assigned to the host "
- "computer that sends your Internet mail. Normally "
- "this would be 'smtp.' or 'mail.' prepended to your "
- "Domain name.\n\n"
- "Consult your Internet provider if the SMTP Server "
- "is called something other than '"aem-smtpserver
- "' enter that name in this string requester ")
- (default aem-smtpserver))
- aem-username
- (askstring
- (prompt "\nEnter the login name you have been assigned by your "
- "InterNet Provider for logging into your POP Server\n\n"
- "NOTE: Your provider may have allowed you to chose this login "
- "name.\n")
- (help "You must give your login name. The login name consists "
- "of lowercase letters a-z and numbers. Its recommended maximum "
- "length is 8 characters.\n\n"
- "Examples of acceptable login names are 'jzachar' and "
- "'an345'.")
- (default aem-username))
- aem-password
- (askstring
- (prompt "\n\nEnter the password you need to log into your "
- "POP Server.\n\n"
- "NOTE: Your provider may have assigned you your password"
- " or you were allowed to chose your own.\n")
- (help "This may be the same password that you use to log "
- "into your Internet Provider. Consult your Internet "
- "Provider (ISP) if it is different.")
- (default aem-password))
- continue
- (askbool
- (prompt "Is the following information correct?\n\n"
- "SMTP Domain name: " aem-domain "\n"
- "POP Server Name: " aem-popserver "\n"
- "SMTP Server Name: " aem-smtpserver "\n"
- "Login name: " aem-username "\n"
- "Password: " aem-password "\n\n")
- (help "If you have made a mistake on any of the entries you "
- "can select \"No, Enter Again\" or, if eveything is all right, "
- "select \"Yes, Continue\"\n")
- (choices "Yes, Continue" "No, Enter Again"))
- )
- )
- (Set continue 0)
- (set
- aem-from
- ("%s@%s" aem-username aem-domain))
- (message "\n\nWhen you signed up for your InterNet service you were "
- "also assigned an email address to receive mail with. You will "
- "be prompted for this now.")
- (while
- (= continue 0)
- (set
- aem-from
- (askstring
- (prompt "\n\nEnter your full email address (user@domain):\n")
- (help "You must give your email address. The email address "
- "is what you are known by on the Internet and consists of "
- "a username and domain name separated by an '@' sign.\n\n"
- "NOTE: The username and domain name could be the same "
- "as the POP login name and SMTP Domain Name you were "
- "prompted for before, or they MAY NOT be - consult your "
- "ISP.")
- (default aem-from))
- continue
- (askbool
- (prompt "\n\nIs the following information correct?\n\n"
- "Email Address: " aem-from "\n\n")
- (help "If you have made a mistake with this entry you "
- "can select \"No, Enter Again\" or, if eveything is all right, "
- "select \"Yes, Continue\"\n")
- (choices "Yes, Continue" "No, Enter Again"))
- )
- )
- (Set continue 0)
- (message "\n\nThere is certain identity information that you "
- "may give to further identify you on the Internet. These include "
- "your real name, a possible reply address, and the organization "
- "that you belong to. You will be prompted for these now. These are "
- "all optional parameters and you can leave them blank if you wish.")
- (set aem-replyto aem-from)
- (while
- (= continue 0)
- (set
- aem-realname
- (askstring
- (prompt "\n\nEnter the real name for "aem-from ":\n")
- (help "The real name can contain any characters except "
- "comma (','), colon (':') or bar ('|').")
- (default aem-realname))
- aem-replyto
- (askstring
- (prompt "\n\nEnter the email address you want replies "
- "sent to\n\n")
- (help "This may be the same as your regular email address. "
- "This address is optional and can be left blank.")
- (default aem-replyto))
- aem-organization
- (askstring
- (prompt "\n\nEnter the organization you belong to (optional):\n")
- (help "The organization is optional and can be left blank.")
- (default aem-organization))
- continue
- (askbool
- (prompt "\n\nIs the following information correct?\n\n"
- "Real name: " aem-realname "\n"
- "Reply To Address: " aem-replyto "\n"
- "Organization: " aem-organization "\n\n")
- (help "If you have made a mistake on any of the entries you "
- "can select \"No, Enter Again\" or, if eveything is all right, "
- "select \"Yes, Continue\"\n")
- (choices "Yes, Continue" "No, Enter Again"))
- )
- )
- (message "\n\nAEMail requires an editor to prepare messages to send. "
- "You can use the standard AmigaDOS editor, ed, or any "
- "editor of your choice.")
- (set
- aem-editor
- (askfile
- (prompt "Enter the Editor you want to use with AEMail.")
- (help "AEMail requires an editor to prepare messages to "
- "send. After your select the editor from the file "
- "requester you will be asked to enter parameter "
- "information required by your editor.\n")
- (default "SYS:c/ed"))
- aem-editor
- (askstring
- (prompt "Add the parameters required for your editor.\n\n"
- "You must always add '%s' to specify where your "
- "mail file name goes.\n")
- (help "You will need to add parmeters that may be "
- "required by your editor. One required parameter "
- "required by ALL editors is '%s' to specify where "
- "the mail file name goes.\n")
- (default (cat aem-editor " %s")))
- aem-edonwb
- (askbool
- (prompt "Does your editor have to open on the Workbench?"
- (help "Some editors, like Commodore's ED will always open "
- "on the Workbench. Others will open on their own "
- "screen. If your editor opens on the Workbench, "
- "you must reply 'YES' to this request.\n")))
- aem-editor
- (if (= 1 aem-edonwb)
- (cat "WB;" aem-editor)
- ("%s" aem-editor))
- )
- (set
- aem-neednetscrpts
- (askbool
- (prompt "\n\nDo you want Start Net and/or Stop Net scripts?\n")
- (help "If you reply 'Yes', you will be prompted for your "
- "Start Net and Stop Net scripts.\n"
- "If you reply 'No', AEMail will run without any "
- "Start Net or Stop Net scripts.\n")))
- (if (= 1 aem-neednetscrpts)
- (if (<> "" aem-startnet)
- (set aem-neednetscrpts
- (askbool
- (prompt "Is your StartNet and/or StopNet scripts other than\n\n"
- "Start Net: " aem-startnet "\n"
- "Stop Net: " aem-stopnet "\n")
- (help "Only reply 'YES' if your Start Net and Stop Net scripts "
- "are not the scripts listed listed below:\n\n"
- aem-startnet "\n"
- aem-stopnet "\n"))))
- (set
- aem-needstrtarexx 0
- aem-startnet ""
- aem-needstoparexx 0
- aem-stopnet ""))
- (if (= 1 aem-neednetscrpts)
- ((set
- need-startnet
- (askbool
- (prompt "Do you need a Start Net script?")
- (help "If you reply 'No' AEMail will run without a Start Net "
- "script\n\nIf you reply 'YES' you will be prompted "
- "for the location of your Start Net script")))
- (if (= 1 need-startnet)
- (set
- aem-startnet
- (askfile
- (prompt "Enter the Start Net script you want to use with AEMail.")
- (help "If you are NOT using the standard AmiTCP startnet "
- "script in AmiTCP:bin or the standard Miami script "
- "you will have to provide the "
- "script you are using.\n")
- (default (tackon aem-default-dest "startnet")))
- aem-needstrtarexx
- (askbool
- (prompt "Is this an AmigaDOS script or an AREXX script?")
- (help "The standard AmiTCP Start Net script is an AmigaDos "
- "script that calls AREXX\n\n "
- "The standard Miami script is an AREXX script "
- "AND must be called from AREXX\n")
- (choices "AREXX script" "AmigaDOS script")))
- (set aem-startnet ""
- aem-needstrtarexx 0))
- (set
- need-stopnet
- (askbool
- (prompt "Do you need a Stop Net script?")
- (help "If you reply 'No' AEMail will run without a Stop Net "
- "script\n\nIf you reply 'YES' you will be prompted "
- "for the location of your Stop Net script")))
- (if (= 1 need-stopnet)
- (set
- aem-stopnet
- (askfile
- (prompt "Enter the Stop Net script you want to use with AEMail.")
- (help "If you are NOT using the standard AmiTCP stopnet "
- "script in AmiTCP:bin or the standard Miami script "
- "you will have to provide the "
- "script you are using.\n")
- (default (tackon aem-default-dest "stopnet")))
- aem-needstoparexx
- (askbool
- (prompt "Is this an AmigaDOS script or an AREXX script?")
- (help "The standard AmiTCP Stop Net script is an AmigaDos "
- "script that calls AREXX\n\n "
- "The standard Miami script is an AREXX script "
- "AND must be called from AREXX\n")
- (choices "AREXX script" "AmigaDOS script")))
- (set aem-stopnet ""
- aem-needstoparexx 0))))
- (set aem-options
- (askoptions
- (prompt "Select those AEMail options you want AEMail to open with\n\n")
- (help @askoptions-help)
- (choices "Delete Mail from Server"
- "Strip Duplicate Messages"
- "Display Full Header"
- "Include Header in Reply"
- "Automatic Connection at Startup"
- )
- (default 3))
- )))
- (if (= 1 aem-needstrtarexx)
- (set
- aem-startnet
- (cat "rx " aem-startnet)))
- (if (= 1 aem-needstoparexx)
- (set
- aem-stopnet
- (cat "rx " aem-stopnet)))
- (if (= 2 @user-level)
- (set
- aem-needconfig
- (askbool
- (prompt "Do you want to run with your own configuration file?")
- (help "If you are using the standard s:aemail.cnfg file "
- "reply 'NO'.\n\n"
- "If you want to use your own configuration file then "
- "reply 'YES'")))
- (set aem-needconfig 0))
- (if (= 1 aem-needconfig)
- (set
- aem-config
- (askfile
- (prompt "Enter the configuration script you want to use "
- "with AEMail")
- (help "If you are using a configuration file other than "
- "s:aemail.cnfg you can locate and or specify it "
- "here.")
- (default "s:aemail.cnfg"))))
- (set
- aem-docs-dir-dft (tackon @default-dest "documentation")
- aem-rexx-dir-dft (tackon @default-dest "ARexx"))
- (if (< 0 @user-level)
- (set
- aem-docs
- (askoptions
- (prompt "Select which AEMail documentation files you want copied\n\n")
- (help @askoptions-help)
- (choices "AEMail.readme"
- "AEMail.doc"
- "AEMail.guide"
- "email.txt"
- )
- (default 15)))
- (set aem-docs 15))
- (if (= 2 @user-level)
- (if (<> 0 aem-docs)
- (set
- aem-docs-dir
- (askdir
- (prompt "Which directory do you want the documentation files "
- "copied to\n")
- (help "You may select a different directory than the "
- "'documentation' sub-directory in your program's "
- "directory to copy the documentation files to.\n")
- (newpath)
- (default aem-docs-dir-dft))))
- (set aem-docs-dir aem-docs-dir-dft)
- )
- (if (= 2 @user-level)
- (set
- aem-rexx-dir
- (askdir
- (prompt "Which directory do you want the ARexx files "
- "copied to\n")
- (help "You may select a different directory than the "
- "'ARexx' sub-directory in your program's "
- "directory to copy the ARexx files to.\n")
- (newpath)
- (default aem-rexx-dir-dft)))
- (set aem-rexx-dir aem-rexx-dir-dft)
- )
- (if (<> 2 (exists aem-mail-dir (noreq)))
- (makedir aem-mail-dir (infos)))
- (if (<> 2 (exists aem-docs-dir (noreq)))
- (makedir aem-docs-dir (infos)))
- (if (<> 2 (exists aem-rexx-dir (noreq)))
- (makedir aem-rexx-dir (infos)))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying AEMail to " @default-dest)
- (source "RAM:AEMfiles/AEMail")
- (dest @default-dest))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying AEMail.info to " @default-dest)
- (source "RAM:AEMfiles/AEMail.inf")
- (newname "AEMail.info")
- (dest @default-dest)
- (noposition))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "copy registration.form to " @default-dest)
- (source (tackon source-dir "registration.form"))
- (dest @default-dest)
- (noposition)
- (infos))
- (if (= 1 aem-have-MIAMI)
- ((copyfiles
- (prompt "Copy Miami Start Net script to " @default-dest)
- (source (tackon source-dir "startnet.miami"))
- (dest @default-dest))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copy Miami Stop Net script to " @default-dest)
- (source (tackon source-dir "stopnet.miami"))
- (dest @default-dest))))
- (if (= 1 (exists (tackon @default-dest "AEMail.readme") (noreq)))
- (delete (tackon @default-dest "AEMail.readme")
- (prompt "Deleting old AEMail.readme file")
- (infos)))
- (if (= 1 (exists (tackon aem-docs-dir "AEMail.readme") (noreq)))
- (delete (tackon aem-docs-dir "AEMail.readme")
- (prompt "Deleting old AEMail.readme file")
- (infos)))
- (if (= 1 (exists (tackon @default-dest "AEMail.doc") (noreq)))
- (delete (tackon @default-dest "AEMail.doc")
- (prompt "Deleting old AEMail.doc file")
- (infos)))
- (if (= 1 (exists (tackon @default-dest "AEMail.guide") (noreq)))
- (delete (tackon @default-dest "AEMail.guide")
- (prompt "Deleting old AEMail.guide file")
- (infos)))
- (set aem-readtool
- (if (= pager-cmd "RAM:More")
- ("more")
- (pager-cmd)))
- (if (<> 0 aem-docs)(
- (if (BITAND aem-docs 1)
- ((copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying AEMail.readme file to " @default-dest)
- (source "RAM:AEMfiles/AEMail.readme")
- (dest @default-dest)
- (infos))
- (tooltype
- (dest (tackon @default-dest "AEMail.readme"))
- (noposition)
- (setdefaulttool aem-readtool))))
- (if (BITAND aem-docs 2)
- ((copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying AEMail.doc file to " aem-docs-dir)
- (source "RAM:AEMfiles/AEMail.doc")
- (dest aem-docs-dir)
- (infos))
- (tooltype
- (dest (tackon aem-docs-dir "AEMail.doc"))
- (noposition)
- (setdefaulttool "more"))))
- (if (BITAND aem-docs 4)
- ((copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying AEMail.guide file to " aem-docs-dir)
- (source "RAM:AEMfiles/AEMail.guide")
- (dest aem-docs-dir)
- (infos))
- (tooltype
- (dest (tackon aem-docs-dir "AEMail.guide"))
- (noposition))))
- (if (BITAND aem-docs 8)
- ((copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying email.txt file to " aem-docs-dir)
- (source "RAM:AEMfiles/email.txt")
- (dest aem-docs-dir)
- (infos))
- (tooltype
- (dest (tackon aem-docs-dir "email.txt"))
- (noposition)
- (setdefaulttool "more"))))
- ))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "copy ARexx files to " aem-rexx-dir)
- (source "RAM:AEMfiles/ARexx/")
- (dest aem-rexx-dir)
- (all)
- (noposition)
- (infos))
- (tooltype
- (prompt "Setting AEMail Tool Types")
- (dest (tackon @default-dest "AEMail"))
- (if (<> "" aem-config)
- (settooltype "CONFIG" aem-config))
- (if (= 1 aem-interlace)
- (settooltype "INTERLACE" "YES"))
- (if (<> "" aem-username)
- (settooltype "USERID" aem-username))
- (if (<> "" aem-password)
- (settooltype "PASSWRD" aem-password))
- (if (<> "" aem-realname)
- (settooltype "REALNAME" aem-realname))
- (if (<> "" aem-from)
- (settooltype "FROM" aem-from))
- (if (<> "" aem-replyto)
- (settooltype "REPLYTO" aem-replyto))
- (if (<> "" aem-organization)
- (settooltype "ORGANIZATION" aem-organization))
- (if (<> "" aem-domain)
- (settooltype "DOMAIN" aem-domain))
- (if (<> "" aem-popserver)
- (settooltype "POP_SERVER" aem-popserver))
- (if (<> "" aem-smtpserver)
- (settooltype "SMTP_SERVER" aem-smtpserver))
- (if (<> "" aem-editor)
- (settooltype "EDITOR" ("\"%s\"" aem-editor)))
- (if (<> "" aem-startnet)
- (settooltype "STARTNET" aem-startnet))
- (if (<> "" aem-stopnet)
- (settooltype "STOPNET" aem-stopnet))
- (if (BITAND aem-options 1)
- (settooltype "DELETEMAIL" "YES"))
- (if (BITAND aem-options 2)
- (settooltype "STRIPDUPS" "YES"))
- (if (BITAND aem-options 4)
- (settooltype "FULLHEADER" "YES"))
- (if (BITAND aem-options 8)
- (settooltype "HDRINREPLY" "YES"))
- (if (BITAND aem-options 16)
- (settooltype "AUTOCONNECT" "YES"))
- )
- (procedure aemp-build_mailcap
- ((set
- aem-mimetypes
- (askoptions
- (prompt "Indicate those mime types/subtypes you want "
- "display programs for")
- (help "Check which types/subtypes that you will specify "
- "a display program for. If you specify the type/all "
- "option you must have a program that can determine "
- "the appropriate display subtype")
- (choices "text/all"
- "images/all"
- "images/gif"
- "images/jpeg"
- "images/x-iff"
- "audio/all"
- "audio/basic"
- "video/all"
- "video/mpeg"))
- aem-curmailcap 0)
- (delete aem-mailcap_file)
- (while (<> 0 aem-mimetypes)
- ((if (BITAND aem-mimetypes 1)
- ((set
- aem-curmimet
- (select aem-curmailcap "text/*"
- "images/*"
- "images/gif"
- "images/jpeg"
- "images/x-iff"
- "audio/*"
- "audio/basic"
- "video/*"
- "video/mpeg")
- aem-mimefile
- (askfile
- (prompt "Indicate program to display " aem-curmimet)
- (help "Select the program in the file list that will "
- "be used the display the file described by the "
- "indicated mime type/subtype")
- (default ""))
- aem-mimefile
- (askstring
- (prompt "Add the parameters required for the mime "
- "display program you selected\n\n"
- "You must always add '%s' to specify where "
- "the file you are displaying goes.\n")
- (help "You will need to add parmeters that may be "
- "required by the display program that you "
- "specified. One required parameter required "
- "by ALL programs is '%s' to specify where "
- "the file name for the file you are "
- "displaying goes.\n")
- (default (cat aem-mimefile " %s")))
- aem-mimeonwb
- (askbool
- (prompt "Does the mime display program have to open "
- "on the Workbench?"
- (help "Some programs will always open on the "
- "Workbench. Others will open on their own "
- "screen. If your display program opens on "
- "the Workbench, you must reply 'YES' to this "
- "request.\n")))
- aem-mimefile
- (if (= 1 aem-mimeonwb)
- (cat "WB;" aem-mimefile)
- ("%s" aem-mimefile)))
- (textfile
- (prompt "Creating .mailcap file")
- (help "Creating .mailcap file")
- (dest aem-mailcap_file)
- (include aem-mailcap_file)
- (append ("%s; \"%s\"\n" aem-curmimet aem-mimefile)))))
- (set aem-curmailcap (+ 1 aem-curmailcap))
- (set aem-mimetypes (shiftright aem-mimetypes 1))
- )))
- )
- (set aem-existmailcap 0)
- (if (= 2 @user-level)
- (set aem-existmailcap
- (askbool
- (prompt "\nDo you want to use an existing mailcap file used by "
- "another program?\n\nIf you want to use the default "
- "mailcap file that comes with AEMail, reply 'NO' to this "
- "message.")
- (help "AEMail can run with a mailcap file created for another "
- "program. If you reply 'YES' to this message you will "
- "be prompted for the directory containing your mailcap "
- "file and the MAILCAP= tool type will be set up in you "
- "AEMail icon"))))
- (if (= 1 aem-existmailcap)
- ((set aem-mailcapdir
- (askdir
- (prompt "Enter the drawer that contains your mailcap file")
- (help "AEMail can run with a mailcap file created for another "
- "program. Enter the directory that contains the mailcap "
- "file that you want and the MAILCAP= tool type will be set "
- "up in you AEMail icon")
- (default aem-mail-dir)
- (newpath)))
- (if (= 1 (exists (tackon aem-mailcapdir "mailcap")(noreq)))
- (tooltype
- (prompt "Setting AEMail Tool Types")
- (dest (tackon @default-dest "AEMail"))
- (settooltype "MAILCAP_DIR" aem-mailcapdir))
- (message "A mailcap file does not exist in the directory you have "
- "specified. Continuing assuming no existing mailcap file."))))
- (if (< exec-version version_3_0)
- (if (= 2 @user-level)
- ((set
- aem-createmailcap
- (askbool
- (prompt "\nYou are running under AmigaDos 2.1. Do you want "
- "to create your own mailcap file?\n")
- (help "AEMail is configured either by Tool Types in it's icon "
- "or by a configuration screen which is automatically "
- "called up when you first execute AEMail if the Tool "
- "Type parameters were not given. By replying "
- "'Yes, Configure Now' you will be setting the Tool Type "
- "parameters\n"))
- aem-mailcap_file (tackon aem-mail-dir "mailcap"))
- (if (= 1 aem-createmailcap)
- (aemp-build_mailcap))))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying mailcap to " aem-mail-dir)
- (source (tackon source-dir "mailcap"))
- (dest aem-mail-dir))
- )
- (textfile
- (prompt "Creating ENV:AEMail_Dir")
- (help "Creating ENV:AEMail_Dir")
- (dest "ENV:AEMail_Dir")
- (append @default-dest))
- (textfile
- (prompt "Creating ENVARC:AEMail_Dir")
- (help "Creating ENVARC:AEMail_Dir")
- (dest "ENVARC:AEMail_Dir")
- (append @default-dest))
- (startup
- aem-name
- (prompt "Adding AEMAIL assign to S:User-Startup")
- (help "An ASSIGN statement for AEMAIL will now be added to the S:User-Startup")
- (command ("ASSIGN %s \"%s\"\n" aem-assign aem-mail-dir))
- (command ("ASSIGN C: sys:REXXC ADD")))
- (makeassign aem-name aem-mail-dir)
- (set aem-copyold 0)
- (if (= 1 (exists "AEMail:folder.config" (noreq)))
- (set aem-copyold
- (askbool
- (prompt "You have an existing folder.config file\n\n"
- "Do you want to save this file as folder.config.old?\n")
- (help "If you are installing over a version of AEMail prior to "
- "Version 1.40 you should reply YES to this prompt\n\n"
- "If you reinstall a version earlier than 1.40 you should "
- "rename folder.config.old to folder.config\n")
- (choices "Yes, save folder.config" "No, Ignore"))))
- (if (= 1 aem-copyold)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying folder.config to folder.config.old")
- (source "AEMail:folder.config")
- (newname "folder.config.old")
- (dest "AEMail:")))
- (set continue 0
- aem-regkey ""
- aem-regname aem-realname
- aem-aemr (tackon source-dir "AEMR"))
- (if (= 1 (exists aem-aemr (noreq)))
- (while
- (= continue 0)
- (set
- aem-regkey
- (askstring
- (prompt "You are installing a registered version of "
- "AEMail.\n\n"
- "Please enter the key code provided with your "
- "copy of AEMail.")
- (help "You must enter your key code EXACTLY as provided "
- "using the correct upper and lower cas letters.")
- (default aem-regkey))
- aem-regname
- (askstring
- (prompt "Please enter the name you want AEMail registered "
- "under:")
- (help "You must enter a registered name\n\n"
- "If you entered a 'real name' under the "
- "configuration previously, it will be the default "
- "registration name. You can make any changes to ")
- (default aem-regname))
- aem-regserno
- (run aem-aemr aem-regkey "\""aem-regname"\""))
- (if (> 100 aem-regserno)
- ((if (= 1 aem-regserno)
- ((message "You did not enter either a key or registration "
- "name\n\nTry Again!")
- (set continue 0)))
- (if (= 2 aem-regserno)
- ((message "You entered an incorrect key code\n\nTry Again!")
- (set continue 0)))
- (if (= 50 aem-regserno)
- ((message "Failed to create .registration file\n\n"
- "AEMail: is probably not assigned.\n\n"
- "Continuing as an unregistered version. Contact "
- "jzachar@calweb.com for further instructions.")
- (set continue 1))))
- (set continue
- (askbool
- (prompt "\nIs the following information correct?\n\n"
- "registration name: " aem-regname "\n"
- " serial number: " aem-regserno "\n\n"
- "If not, you can repeat the registration process")
- (help "Check the serial number with the number on the "
- "provided information sheet. If it or your "
- "registration name or incorrect you can select "
- "\"No, Enter Again\" or, if everything is all "
- "right, select \"Yes, Repeat Registration\"\n")
- (choices "Yes, Continue" "No, Repeat Registration"))))))
- (message
- "\n\nThe installation of AEMail is now complete. You can execute AEMail "
- "now by double clicking on it's icon without rebooting your system."
- " The AEMAIL: assignment has been made and also has been placed in your "
- "S:User-Startup file. Please read the AEMail.Readme file before "
- "executing AEMail.")
- (set AEM-End
- (run pager-cmd "RAM:AEMfiles/AEMail.Readme" (safe)))
- (delete
- "RAM:AEMfiles"
- (prompt "Deleting RAM: AEMail files")
- (optional "force")
- (safe)
- (infos)
- (all))
- (exit)